Hack Name |
Autor |
Beschreibung |
Website |
Acronym Mod v0.9.5 |
CodemonkeyX |
Easily use Acronym Explainations in your Orion Forum. |
http://www.codemonkeyx.net |
Admin Account Actions v1.3.3 |
Acid |
Simply overview of active and inactive Users of your Forum. |
http://www.phpbb.de |
Admin Mass Delete Users v1.1.0 |
Antony Bailey & Freakin' Booty |
Allows you to Mass-Delete Users in ACP |
http://www.pnphpbbhacks.com |
Advanced Quick Reply v1.5.0 |
RustyDragon |
Adds a Quick Reply Field at the bottom of your Forum. Hack was modified for Orion 2x |
http://www.phpbbhacks.com |
Advanced Visual Confirmation v1.1.1 |
AmigaLink |
Bot (with OCR Support) Secured Extended Visual Confirmation System. |
http://www.EssenMitFreude.info |
AJAX Features v1.0.6 |
alcaeus |
Adds AJAX Features to phpBB Orion. |
http://www.alcaeus.org |
Anti Aliased Smilies v1.0.0 |
Forumimages |
Some nice Smilies with 3D and Shadow-Effect. |
Keine Webseite verfügbar. |
Attachment Mod v2.4.3 |
Acyd Burn |
File Attachment Mod for your Forum |
http://www.opentools.de |
BBcode Box Reloaded v1.2.2 |
RedDog |
Adds a enlarged BBCode Function to your Board with many additional BBCodes and ACP Administration. Hack was enlarged for Orion 2x to include also in QuickReply, Notes, Knowledge Base, Signature CP, Calendar,... |
http://www.reddevboard.com |
Birthday Hack v1.5.7 |
Niels |
This mod adds a birthday field into your Userprofile. |
http://mods.db9.dk |
Calendar Lite v1.4.7 |
WebSnail |
Adds a Calendar to your Forum. This is the Free (lite) Version of the Snailsource Calendar with less functionality |
http://www.snailsource.com |
CBACK FastParse v1.0.0 |
cback |
Some Kernel Optimations on Orion and the "Please wait" Button at QuickReply and Posting. And some functions wich can add a Post in QuickReply without the "Post entered Successfully" Message. Makes posting faster and the "Please Wait" shows your user |
http://www.cback.de |
CBACK Neptuna v1.0.0 |
cback |
This is an Orion only Template System modification wich adds ACP and SMOD CP Templates directly to this Forum-Functions. So you have one Style-Info for these parts and if you want to install more Templates you safe Webspace and if a Style doesn't work yo |
http://www.cback.de |
CBACK Orion 2 Style v1.0.0 |
cback |
This is the Standard Style for Orion 2 based on fisubsilversh from Forumimages.com. |
http://www.cback.de |
CBACK Profiler v1.0.0 |
cback |
Allows easy Registering on Boards with Profiler activated. |
http://www.cback.de |
Chatbox Mod v1.1.9g |
Smartor |
Adds an PHP Chatbox to your Forum. |
http://smartor.is-root.com |
CMX News Mod v1.0.1 |
CodemonkeyX |
Allows you to post News into Cathegories with images shown on the Portal page. |
http://www.codemonkeyx.net |
Configurable Disable Message v1.0.0 |
Dwing |
With this Mod you can set an individual Board disable Message. |
http://www.dseitz.de |
Contact Mod v1.0.0 |
Carsten Schaefer |
Adds a Contact Form to your Forum. Version remaked for Orion 2.x with PHP 5.x compatibility and integrated TPLs. |
Keine Webseite verfügbar. |
Cracker Tracker Professional v5.0.3 |
cback |
A fully integrated Security System for your Forum. Blocks known Worm Attacks and Floods. |
http://www.cback.de |
DB Maintenance v1.3.6 |
PhilippK |
This Mod checks and fixes inconsistencies and errors in the database. |
http://phpbb.kordowich.net |
Disable Registration v1.0.4 |
Flipper |
With this Mod you can easily disable the Registration in your Forum. |
http://www.pogoworld.co.uk |
Display Birthdays on Calendar v1.1.1 |
Oxpus |
Shows User Birthdays on Calendar Lite. |
http://www.oxpus.de |
Download Mod v5.0.16a |
Hotschi, Oxpus, Demolition FABI |
This mod generate a page of downloads for your forum and provides many functions for Downloading, Sharing and Uploading Files. |
http://www.oxpus.de |
Events on Portal v1.2.3 |
Oxpus |
Shows events from Calendar Lite on your Portal |
http://www.oxpus.de |
Extended ACP v1.0.0 |
cback |
New ACP Layout for your Forum with extended Functions and faster System. |
http://www.cback.de |
Extended ICQ Info v1.2.4 |
cback |
Adds an ICQ Popup with many functions to your Forum. |
http://www.cback.de |
Extended Mod CP v1.0.0 |
ShockWire |
Adds Sticky, Annonce Moderator Buttons |
Keine Webseite verfügbar. |
EZ Portal v2.1.8 |
Smartor |
An easy to use portal System. |
http://smartor.is-root.com |
EZ Portal Administration |
Marcus Thiel |
Administrate EZ Portal over ACP |
Keine Webseite verfügbar. |
Gender Mod v1.2.5 |
Niels |
Adds the possibility to select your Gender in Profile. |
http://mods.db9.dk |
Global Announcements v1.2.6 |
Niels |
Global Announcement Function for your forum. Shows a Topic globally into all Forums. |
http://mods.db9.dk |
Hacks / Mods and Credits List v1.2.0 |
Nivisec |
The list you are currently viewing. |
http://www.nivisec.com |
Hypercells v1.x |
Robin de Boer |
Hypercells (Mouseover highlights color of table cells) |
Keine Webseite verfügbar. |
Impressum Mod v1.1.0 |
Adds an Impressum to your Forum. Modified for Orion 2.x with rewrited Template Files and ACP Control-Panel. |
http://www.awsw.de |
Knowledge Base + MX Addon v2.0.2 |
wGEric |
Knowledge Base System for your Forum. |
http://www.phpBB.com |
Last Visit Mod v1.2.8 |
Niels |
Shows who visited the forum the day. |
http://mods.db9.dk |
Lock / Unlock in Thread v1.0.1 |
Meik Sievertsen |
Lock and Unlock Topics during posting. |
Keine Webseite verfügbar. |
Nuvola Icons v1.0.0 |
David Vignoni |
Icons used in Orion 2.x |
http://www.icon-king.com |
Online/Offline Indicator v1.x |
romans1423 |
Shows the Online Status of an user in memberlist and into topics. |
Keine Webseite verfügbar. |
Orion Forum v2.x |
cback |
Orion Forum is the Forum System you are currently look at. Orion is a very fast premodded phpBB Forum with many functions and a new Kernel technology. |
http://www.orion.cback.de |
Orion Profile CP v2.0.0 |
cback (for Orion), EGO2000, PhilippT |
The Orion Profile CP based on the ECP of EGO2000 and PhilippT, but a comple recoded Mod. |
http://www.cback.de |
Orion Uplink Technology v1.0.2 |
cback |
Orion Uplink in ACP Header of Extended ACP. |
http://www.cback.de |
Overall Forum Permissions v1.0.2 |
Smartor |
Overall Forum Permissions |
http://smartor.is-root.com |
OverLIB v4.2.1 |
Bosrup |
JavaSkript Class to add nice DIV Effects into the Forum. |
http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/ |
OverLIB Menu and Info Fields v1.0.0 |
cback |
OverLIB Menus and Info Fields for Orion 2.x like Orion Navigation Panel, Permissions, etc. |
http://www.cback.de |
Page Generation Time v2.0.0 |
Smartor |
Page Generation Time in Footer. |
http://smartor.is-root.com |
Personal Notes v1.4.7 |
Oxpus |
Adds personal Notes into your Profile CP |
http://www.oxpus.de |
Photo Album v2.0.54 |
Smartor |
A Photo Album for your Forum. |
http://smartor.is-root.com |
QLinks v1.0.2 |
Oxpus |
Scrolling Links for your Portal. |
http://www.oxpus.de |
Quick Write PMs |
Marc Philoptt |
PM Popup if you want to Quick Write a PM over viewtopic.php |
Keine Webseite verfügbar. |
RDF Hack |
Matthijs van de Water, itst |
RDF Function for your Forum. Modified for Orion 2.x with ACP Controlpanel and Syndication-Buttons on Portal. |
http://www.phpbbhacks.com |
Realname Hack v1.0.0 |
Do Hong Nam |
Realname Field for your Profile. |
Keine Webseite verfügbar. |
Signature Editor Deluxe |
EGO2000 |
Enlarged Signature Editor. Modified for Orion 2.x and BBCode Box |
Keine Webseite verfügbar. |
Skype v1.0.2 |
ycl6 |
Adds a Skype Messenger Field into your Profile |
Keine Webseite verfügbar. |
Slide Menu v1.0.0 |
phpMix |
Slide Menu for ACP |
http://www.phpmix.com |
Smilie Creator v1.0.3 |
esperitox |
Simply create Shield Smilies in your Forum. GDLib must be installed on your Server. |
http://www.powerforum.de |
Smilie Row Corrector v1.0.1 |
cback |
Smilie Row Corrector makes Smilie Sizes dynamically into the Smilie Tables. |
http://www.cback.de |
Smilie Upload over ACP v1.1.0 |
Thoul |
Smilie Upload over ACP |
Keine Webseite verfügbar. |
Smilies in Topic Titles v1.1.1 |
Suisse |
Parses Smilies also in Topic Titles |
http://www.techno-revelation.com |
Some Portal Blocks |
Smartor |
Some Portal Blocks for EZ Portal for example Recent Topics, Top Posters, ... |
http://smartor.is-root.com |
Topic Description v1.0.5 |
Morpheus2matrix |
Description Field for your Topics |
http://morpheus.2037.biz |
View Profile Sig v1.1.0 |
Netclectic |
View User Signature in Profile. |
http://ww.netclectic.com |
Visit Counter v1.1.1 |
Smartor |
Visit Counter for your Portal |
http://smartor.is-root.com |
XTreme Style Mod v2.3.1 |
CyberAlien |
This mod is heavily optimized version of phpBB templates system and has some additional features. It compiles and executes files much faster, has cache system that speeds up templates many times, allowes to use php in templates and few other new features |
http://www.phpbbstyles.com |
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